19 Letter:
- antirevolutionaries22
18 Letter:
- antireservationist21
17 Letter:
- antirationalistic19
- antireactionaries19
- antirealistically22
- antirepublicanism25
- antirevolutionary23
- antirevolutionist20
- pseudosatirically25
16 Letter:
- antirachitically26
- antiredeposition19
- inextirpableness27
- nonsatiricalness18
- subsatiricalness20
15 Letter:
- angustirostrate16
- antirationalism17
- antirationalist15
- antirationality18
- antireactionary20
- antireligionist16
- antireligiosity19
- antireligiously19
- antiremonstrant17
- antirestoration15
- antirevisionist18
- antiritualistic17
- antiromanticism21
- antiromanticist19
- postirradiation18
- pseudosatirical20
- semisatirically22
- stirpiculturist19
- unsatiricalness17
14 Letter:
- antiradicalism19
- antirailwayist20
- antirationally17
- antirecruiting17
- antirepublican20
- antirevolution17
- counterattired17
- extirpationist23
- multiracialism20
- multiradicular19
- nonsatirically19
- semiretirement18
- serratirostral14
- stirpicultural18
- subsatirically21
13 Letter:
- antiradiating15
- antiradiation14
- antiradically19
- antirealistic15
- antireduction16
- antireductive19
- antireflexive26
- antireforming19
- antireformist18
- antireligious14
- antiresonance15
- antiresonator13
- antireticular15
- antirheumatic20
- antiritualism15
- antiritualist13
- dentirostrate14
- frontirostria16
- multiradiated17
- multiradicate18
- multiramified21
- multiregister16
- multirotation15
- multirotatory18
- nonretirement15
- nonsatirizing23
- overtiredness17
- satiricalness15
- semisatirical17
- stirpiculture17
12 Letter:
- antiracemate16
- antirachitic19
- antiracially17
- antiradicals15
- antirational12
- antireacting15
- antireaction14
- antireactive17
- antirebating15
- antireducing16
- antireformer17
- antireligion13
- antiroyalism17
- antiroyalist15
- antiromantic16
- cultirostral14
- cultirostres14
- cutireaction16
- dentirostral13
- dentirostres13
- extirpations21
- inextirpable23
- latirostrous12
- multiradiate15
- multiradical17
- nonsatirical14
- overstirring16
- rectirostral14
- retiringness13
- satirisation12
11 Letter:
- antiradiant12
- antiradical14
- antirattler11
- antirealism13
- antirealist11
- antireality14
- antireducer14
- antirentism13
- antirickets17
- antiromance15
- antirrhinum16
- dentiroster12
- extirpating21
- extirpation20
- extirpative23
- extirpatory23
- latirostral11
- latirostres11
- multiracial15
- multiradial14
- multiramose15
- multiramous15
- multireflex23
- multirooted14
- nonretiring12
- overstirred15
- retiredness12
- retirements13
- saltireways17
- saltirewise14
10 Letter:
- antirabies12
- antiracial12
- antiracing13
- antiracism14
- antireform15
- antirennet10
- antirennin10
- antirenter10
- antiritual10
- attirement12
- bestirring13
- cystirrhea18
- entireness10
- entireties10
- entirities10
- extirpated20
- extirpateo19
- extirpates19
- extirpator19
- multiresin12
- nonretired11
- nonsatiric12
- overtiring14
- reattiring11
- restirring11
- retiracied13
- retirement12
- retiringly14
- satirising11
- satirizers19
9 Letter:
- antirabic13
- antiracer11
- antiricin11
- antirobin11
- antiroyal12
- antirumor11
- antirusts9
- bestirred12
- disattire10
- extirpate18
- flatirons12
- inctirate11
- multirate11
- multirole11
- nonsatire9
- outtiring10
- overstirs12
- overtired13
- overtires12
- pretiring12
- rangatira10
- reattired10
- restirred10
- retirants9
- retiredly13
- satirical11
- satirised10
- satiriser9
- satirises9
- satirists9
8 Letter:
- antirape10
- antirent8
- antiriot8
- antiroll8
- antirust8
- attirail8
- attiring9
- entirely11
- entirety11
- ettirone8
- flatiron11
- headtire12
- outtired9
- overstir11
- overtire11
- pretired11
- reattire8
- retiracy13
- retirade9
- retirant8
- retirees8
- retirers8
- retiring9
- saltires8
- satirise8
- satirism10
- satirist8
- satirize17
- stirless8
- stirling9
7 Letter:
- anatira7
- antired8
- antirun7
- attired8
- attirer7
- attires7
- bestirs9
- ectiris9
- entires7
- entiris7
- youstir10
- latirus7
- maftirs12
- outtire7
- pitirri9
- pretire9
- retiral7
- retired8
- retiree7
- retirer7
- retires7
- saltire7
- santirs7
- satires7
- satiric9
- stirpes9
- stirred8
- stirrer7
- stirrup9
- tirades8
6 Letter:
- attire6
- beltir8
- bestir8
- betire8
- entire6
- extirp15
- intire6
- maftir11
- restir6
- retire6
- santir6
- satire6
- stiria6
- stirks10
- stirps8
- stirra6
- tirade7
- tirage7
- tiriba8
- tiring7
- tirled7
- tirret6
- tirrit6
- tirwit9
- untire6
- upstir8
5 Letter:
- astir5
- stire5
- stirk9
- stirp7
- stirs5
- tiraz14
- tired6
- tirer5
- tires5
- tirls5
- tirma7
- tiros5
- tirve8
4 Letter:
- stir4
- tire4
- tirl4
- tiro4
- tirr4
A total of 407 words fetched from the dictionary that match what you were looking for Words with TIR. The word with the highest Scrabble score is worth 27 points.
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