20 Letter:
- noncomprehensiveness32
- overapprehensiveness33
- precomprehensiveness34
- pseudoapprehensively36
19 Letter:
- incomprehensiveness31
- misapprehensiveness31
- nonintroversiveness25
- semiprogressiveness27
- superexpressiveness33
- uncomprehensiveness31
18 Letter:
- antiaggressiveness23
- antiexpressiveness30
- hyperexcursiveness38
- hyperobtrusiveness31
- inapprehensiveness28
- interdiffusiveness28
- interpervasiveness26
- noncomprehensively33
- nonprogressiveness24
- nonsuppressiveness25
- nontransgressively25
- overaggressiveness26
- overapprehensively34
- overdepressiveness27
- overexpressiveness33
- overpermissiveness28
- precomprehensively35
- pseudoaggressively29
- pseudoapprehensive31
- superinclusiveness25
- superoffensiveness29
- unapprehensiveness28
17 Letter:
- animadversiveness26
- anticorrosiveness22
- antihypertensives28
- comprehensiveness29
- condescensiveness25
- counteroffensives28
- electroconvulsive27
- electrodispersive25
- electropercussive26
- immunosuppressive28
- improgressiveness25
- incomprehensively32
- misapprehensively32
- nonconclusiveness24
- nondiscursiveness23
- nonexpressiveness29
- nonintroversively26
- nonoppressiveness24
- nonpermissiveness24
- nonpersuasiveness22
- nonpossessiveness22
- nonprotrusiveness22
- nonsubmissiveness24
- nonsubversiveness25
- nonsuccessiveness24
- nonsuspensiveness22
- overdefensiveness27
- overexpansiveness32
- overoffensiveness29
- preaggressiveness24
16 Letter:
- antiaggressively24
- antiexpressively31
- antihypertensive27
- apprehensiveness26
- counteroffensive27
- hygroexpansivity38
- hyperexcursively39
- hyperobtrusively32
- inapprehensively29
- inconclusiveness23
- inexpressiveness28
- interpervasively27
- irresponsiveness21
- noncollusiveness21
- noncomprehensive28
- noncompressively28
- noncorrosiveness21
- nondefensiveness23
- nonexcessiveness28
- nonexpansiveness28
- nonexplosiveness28
- nonextensiveness26
- nonimpulsiveness23
- noninclusiveness21
- nonobsessiveness21
- nonoffensiveness25
- nonprogressively25
- nonpurposiveness23
- nonseclusiveness21
- nonsuppressively26
15 Letter:
- anticorrosively23
- antiprogressive21
- autoprogressive21
- coextensiveness27
- comprehensively30
- condescensively26
- corresponsively25
- discoursiveness21
- dorsiventrality22
- improgressively26
- incomprehensive27
- inexpensiveness27
- inobtrusiveness20
- inoffensiveness24
- interresponsive20
- misapprehensive27
- nonabrasiveness20
- nonadhesiveness22
- nonapprehensive25
- noncohesiveness23
- noncompulsively27
- nonconclusively25
- nondecisiveness21
- nondepressively24
- nondiscursively24
- nondivisiveness22
- noneffusiveness24
- nonexpressively30
- nonillusiveness18
- nonintroversive21
14 Letter:
- abstersiveness19
- aggressiveness19
- antiaggressive19
- anticonvulsive22
- anticorrosives19
- antidepressive20
- antiexpressive26
- apprehensively27
- autoregressive18
- comprehensives26
- compulsiveness23
- concessiveness21
- conclusiveness21
- convulsiveness22
- credensiveness20
- depressiveness20
- digressiveness19
- discursiveness20
- dispersiveness20
- dissuasiveness18
- dorsiventrally21
- expressiveness26
- extraversively30
- extroversively30
- hyperexcursive34
- hyperobtrusive27
- impressiveness21
- inapprehensive24
- inconclusively24
- indecisiveness20
13 Letter:
- adhesivemeter22
- animadversive22
- anticorrosive18
- basivertebral20
- coextensively28
- collusiveness18
- comprehensive25
- compressively25
- condescensive21
- corresponsive20
- corrosiveness18
- decompressive23
- defensiveness20
- detersiveness17
- diffusiveness23
- discoursively22
- excessiveness25
- exclusiveness25
- exclusivistic27
- excursiveness25
- expansiveness25
- expensiveness25
- explosiveness25
- extensiveness23
- idiorepulsive19
- impassiveness20
- improgressive21
- impulsiveness20
- inclusiveness18
- inexclusively28
12 Letter:
- abrasiveness17
- adhesiveness19
- advisiveness19
- aggressively20
- aggressivity20
- allusiveness15
- applausively22
- apprehensive22
- cohesiveness20
- commissively24
- compassivity24
- compulsively24
- compulsivity24
- concessively22
- conclusively22
- concussively22
- convulsively23
- decisiveness18
- degressively20
- delusiveness16
- depressively21
- derisiveness16
- digressively20
- discursively21
- dispersively21
- dissuasively19
- divisiveness19
- dorsiventral16
- effusiveness21
- equicohesive29
11 Letter:
- abusiveness16
- accessively21
- admissively20
- ambiversive21
- amusiveness16
- antierosive14
- antitussive14
- appulsively21
- aspersively19
- basiventral16
- caressively19
- cicatrisive18
- coexclusive25
- coextensive23
- collusively19
- compressive20
- compulsives20
- congressive17
- corrosively19
- corrosiving17
- corrosivity19
- cursiveness16
- decursively20
- defensively21
- depressives17
- detersively18
- diffusively24
- diffusivity24
- discoursive17
- disillusive15
10 Letter:
- abrasively18
- abstersive15
- adhesively20
- aggressive15
- airbrasive15
- allusively16
- applausive17
- appraisive17
- cohesively21
- commissive19
- compassive19
- compulsive19
- concessive17
- conclusive17
- concussive17
- contorsive15
- conversive18
- convulsive18
- corrosived16
- corrosives15
- credensive16
- decisively19
- degressive15
- delusively17
- depressive16
- derisively17
- descensive16
- digressive15
- disclosive16
- discursive16
9 Letter:
- abrasives14
- abusively17
- accessive16
- adhesives16
- admissive15
- adversive16
- amusively17
- appeasive16
- applosive16
- appulsive16
- ascensive14
- aspersive14
- assausive12
- assuasive12
- biplosive16
- caressive14
- collisive14
- collusive14
- confusive17
- contusive14
- corrasive14
- corrosive14
- cursively17
- decursive15
- defeasive16
- defensive16
- demissive15
- detersive13
- detrusive13
- diffusive19
8 Letter:
- abessive13
- aborsive13
- abrasive13
- accusive15
- adessive12
- adhesive15
- advisive15
- allusive11
- arrosive11
- aversive14
- cohesive16
- cursives13
- decisive14
- delusive12
- derisive12
- divisive15
- effusive17
- emissive13
- emulsive13
- eversive14
- excusive20
- guessive12
- illusive11
- incisive13
- inessive11
- infusive14
- inhesive14
- invasive14
- jussives18
- missives13
7 Letter:
- abusive12
- amusive12
- censive12
- cresive12
- cursive12
- elusive10
- emusive12
- erosive10
- evasive13
- fensive13
- fissive13
- jussive17
- lessive10
- massive12
- mesivta12
- missive12
- passive12
- pensive12
- plosive12
- pulsive12
- pursive12
- sensive10
- sivaism12
- sivaist10
- sivaite10
- sivvens13
- suasive10
- tensive10
- torsive10
- tussive10
6 Letter:
- essive9
- musive11
- sivers9
- visive12
5 Letter:
- sivan8
- siver8
4 Letter:
- siva7
A total of 1067 words fetched from the dictionary that match what you were looking for Words with SIV. The word with the highest Scrabble score is worth 39 points.
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