19 Letter:
- hesperornithiformes32
- ichthyornithiformes38
- ornithobiographical32
- ornithogeographical31
- palaeornithological27
18 Letter:
- paleornithological26
17 Letter:
- aepyornithiformes30
- ornithocephalidae28
- ornithogeographic29
- ornithorhynchidae32
- overornamentality25
- overornamentation22
- paleornithologist23
- superornamentally24
- threskiornithidae28
- threskiornithinae27
16 Letter:
- calcareocorneous22
- corneocalcareous22
- dinornithiformes25
- ichthyornithidae31
- membranocorneous24
- nonornamentality21
- ornithobiography30
- ornithocephalous26
- ornithocoprolite23
- ornithologically25
- ornithorhynchous30
- overornamentally24
- palaeornithology25
- pornographically29
- pornographomania26
- unornamentalness18
- unornithological22
15 Letter:
- catercornerways25
- corneosclerotic21
- corneosiliceous19
- hesperornithoid24
- hornblendophyre29
- ichthyornithoid30
- megalornithidae22
- nonornamentally20
- nonpornographic25
- ornithocephalic27
- ornithocephalus25
- ornithodelphian24
- ornithodelphous24
- ornithorhynchus29
- ornithoscelidan21
- palaeornithinae20
- paleornithology24
- steatornithidae19
- stubbornhearted23
- subattorneyship25
- superornamental19
- unornamentation17
14 Letter:
- aepyornithidae23
- archaeornithes22
- gastornithidae19
- heliornithidae21
- hesperornithes22
- hesperornithid23
- ichthyornithes28
- ichthyornithic30
- lamellicornate18
- lamellicornous18
- ornamentations16
- ornithodelphia23
- ornithodelphic25
- ornithological20
- ornithologists18
- ornithomantist19
- ornithomimidae22
- ornithomorphic26
- ornithophilist22
- ornithophilite22
- ornithophilous22
- ornithosaurian17
- ornithoscelida20
- ornithoscopist21
- ornithotomical21
- overornamental19
- overornamented20
- palaeornithine19
- pseudocorneous19
- streptodornase17
13 Letter:
- aggiornamenti17
- aggiornamento17
- catercornered18
- cattycornered21
- circumcorneal21
- cornification20
- dinornithidae18
- epornitically20
- fornicatrices20
- hauchecornite23
- hornification21
- hornswoggling22
- yestermorning19
- interramicorn17
- kittycornered23
- lamellicornes17
- lamellicornia17
- nonornamental15
- odontornithes17
- odontornithic19
- ornamentalism17
- ornamentalist15
- ornamentality18
- ornamentalize24
- ornamentation15
- ornithichnite21
- ornithischian21
- ornithivorous19
- ornithocopros20
- ornithography25
12 Letter:
- anteriorness12
- attorneyship20
- californiana17
- californians17
- californicus19
- clavicornate19
- contorniates14
- cornerstones14
- cornetfishes20
- cornubianite16
- cornucopiate18
- cornwallises17
- countersworn17
- dinornithine16
- dinornithoid17
- doublehorned19
- exteriorness19
- fornications17
- fornicatress17
- forswornness18
- greenhornism18
- heliornithes18
- hornblendite18
- hornlessness15
- hornswoggled21
- inferiorness15
- inornateness12
- interiorness12
- lovelornness15
- megalocornea17
11 Letter:
- alcicornium17
- archaeornis16
- attorneydom17
- attorneyism16
- besprizorni24
- blackthorns22
- californian16
- californite16
- californium18
- capricornid18
- capricornus17
- catercorner15
- cattycorner18
- claibornian15
- clavicornes18
- clavicornia18
- contorniate13
- corncracker21
- corncrusher18
- corncutting16
- cornerpiece17
- cornerstone13
- cornflowers19
- cornhusking21
- corniculate15
- corniferous16
- cornigerous14
- cornucopiae17
- cornucopian17
- cornucopias17
10 Letter:
- adornation11
- adorningly15
- adornments13
- alcornoque21
- alpenhorns15
- attornment12
- barleycorn17
- bethorning16
- bicornuate14
- bicornuous14
- blackthorn21
- bufflehorn21
- caducicorn17
- california15
- capricorns16
- catacorner14
- cavicornia17
- chairborne17
- cornaceous14
- cornbottle14
- corncockle20
- corncutter14
- corndodger15
- cornerback20
- cornerbind15
- cornerways18
- cornerwise15
- cornetcies14
- cornetfish18
- cornetists12
9 Letter:
- adornment12
- aepyornis14
- agapornis12
- alchornea14
- alcornoco13
- alpenhorn14
- amelcorns13
- amornings12
- antecornu11
- apatornis11
- attornare9
- attorneys12
- attorning10
- baptornis13
- bethorned15
- bicornate13
- bicornous13
- bicornute13
- blendcorn14
- boxthorns21
- brantcorn13
- broadhorn15
- broomcorn15
- buckthorn20
- bullhorns14
- capricorn15
- ceriornis11
- cervicorn16
- claiborne13
- clavicorn16
8 Letter:
- aborning11
- adorners9
- adorning10
- airborne10
- akehorne15
- allthorn11
- alphorns13
- althorns11
- amelcorn12
- anticorn10
- attorned9
- attorney11
- baseborn12
- bethorns13
- bicorned13
- bicornes12
- bighorns14
- blencorn12
- borneols10
- bornites10
- bornitic12
- boxthorn20
- buckhorn19
- bullhorn13
- careworn13
- cavicorn15
- chlornal13
- contorno10
- cornball12
- cornbell12
7 Letter:
- acorned10
- adorned9
- adorner8
- adornos8
- airborn9
- alphorn12
- althorn10
- attorns7
- bescorn11
- bethorn12
- bicorne11
- bighorn13
- bornane9
- bornean9
- borneol9
- borning10
- bornite9
- coehorn12
- cornada10
- cornage10
- cornbin11
- corncob13
- corneal9
- corneas9
- cornein9
- cornell9
- cornels9
- corners9
- cornets9
- cornett9
6 Letter:
- acorns8
- adorno7
- adorns7
- attorn6
- behorn11
- betorn8
- beworn11
- bicorn10
- bjorne15
- bornan8
- borneo8
- bornyl11
- cohorn11
- cornea8
- corned9
- cornel8
- corner8
- cornet8
- cornic10
- cornin8
- cornix15
- cornua8
- cornus8
- dehorn10
- dornic9
- fornax16
- fornix16
- horned10
- horner9
- hornet9
5 Letter:
- acorn7
- adorn6
- anorn5
- borne7
- corny10
- corno7
- corns7
- cornu7
- enorn5
- horny11
- horns8
- moorn7
- morne7
- morns7
- norna5
- ornes5
- ornis5
- porno7
- porns7
- scorn7
- shorn8
- sorns5
- sworn8
- thorn8
- unorn5
4 Letter:
- born6
- corn6
- dorn5
- horn7
- lorn4
- morn6
- norn4
- orna4
- porn6
- sorn4
- torn4
- worn7
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