22 Letter:
- omnirepresentativeness29
- overrepresentativeness30
21 Letter:
- counterproductiveness31
- hyperconservativeness37
- nonrepresentativeness26
- overargumentativeness30
- overgesticulativeness30
- superconservativeness31
20 Letter:
- anticonservativeness28
- hyperspeculativeness35
- interdestructiveness26
- nonargumentativeness26
- nonauthoritativeness26
- noncommunicativeness31
- noncomprehensiveness32
- nonconcentrativeness27
- noncontemplativeness29
- nondemonstrativeness26
- nondeterminativeness26
- nonintrospectiveness27
- overappreciativeness32
- overapprehensiveness33
- overconservativeness31
- overrepresentatively31
- philodestructiveness31
- philoprogenitiveness31
- precomprehensiveness34
- pseudoapprehensively36
- pseudoconservatively34
- superinquisitiveness34
- transubstantiatively28
- undiscriminativeness28
- unrepresentativeness25
19 Letter:
- contradistinctively30
- counterattractively29
- counterproductively32
- erythrodegenerative30
- hyperconservatively38
- inauthoritativeness25
- incommunicativeness30
- incomprehensiveness31
- misapprehensiveness31
- nonaccumulativeness28
- nonadministratively28
- nonalliterativeness22
- nonappreciativeness28
- nonconstructiveness26
- noncontributiveness26
- nondiscriminatively30
- nondistributiveness25
- noninterpretiveness24
- nonintroversiveness25
- nonmultiplicatively31
- nonopinionativeness24
- nonquantitativeness31
- nonrecuperativeness26
- nonrepresentatively27
- nonreproductiveness27
- overaffirmativeness33
- overargumentatively31
- overcompetitiveness31
- overdescriptiveness30
- overdestructiveness28
- overdiversification31
- overgesticulatively31
- overimaginativeness28
- overinstructiveness27
- overpresumptiveness31
- overspeculativeness29
- overstimulativeness27
- procrastinativeness26
- pseudocompetitively34
- semiprogressiveness27
- semispeculativeness28
- subadministratively30
- superattractiveness26
- superconservatively32
- superexpressiveness33
- thermoelectromotive31
- unargumentativeness25
- unauthoritativeness25
- uncommunicativeness30
- uncomprehensiveness31
- uncontemplativeness28
- undemonstrativeness25
18 Letter:
- antiaggressiveness23
- anticonservatively29
- antiexpressiveness30
- antiproductiveness26
- archrepresentative28
- discriminativeness26
- heterofermentative29
- hyperexcursiveness38
- hyperobtrusiveness31
- hypersensitiveness29
- hyperspeculatively36
- inappreciativeness27
- inapprehensiveness28
- indiscriminatively29
- intercommunicative29
- interdestructively27
- interdiffusiveness28
- interpenetratively26
- interpervasiveness26
- magnetostrictively29
- myeloproliferative31
- nonacquisitiveness32
- nonargumentatively27
- nonattributiveness23
- nonauthoritatively27
- noncircumscriptive31
- noncommemoratively32
- noncommiseratively30
- noncommunicatively32
- noncompetitiveness27
- noncomprehensively33
- nonconsecutiveness25
- nonconsumptiveness27
- noncontemplatively30
- noncorroboratively28
- nondemonstratively27
- nondescriptiveness26
- nondestructiveness24
- nondeterminatively27
- nondiffractiveness30
- nondiversification27
- noninformativeness26
- noninstructiveness23
- nonintrospectively28
- nonobstructiveness25
- nonprognosticative26
- nonprogressiveness24
- nonprovocativeness28
- nonspeculativeness25
- nonsubstantiveness23
- nonsuppressiveness25
- nontransgressively25
- omnirepresentative25
- overaggressiveness26
- overappreciatively33
- overapprehensively34
- overconservatively32
- overdecorativeness27
- overdepressiveness27
- overexpressiveness33
- overillustratively27
- overpermissiveness28
- overreflectiveness29
- overrepresentative26
- photosensitiveness26
- preacquisitiveness34
- precomprehensively35
- pseudoaggressively29
- pseudoapprehensive31
- pseudoconservative29
- reconstructiveness25
- representativeness23
- representativeship28
- semiconservatively31
- semifigurativeness27
- semiproductiveness28
- semiquantitatively35
- subapprobativeness29
- subdistinctiveness26
- supereffectiveness31
- superinclusiveness25
- superinquisitively35
- superoffensiveness29
- supersecretiveness25
- supersensitiveness23
- superuniversalness23
- transubstantiative23
- ultraconservatives26
- unaccumulativeness27
- unadministratively27
- unappreciativeness27
- unapprehensiveness28
- unconservativeness26
- uncontributiveness25
- undeliberativeness24
- unltraconservative26
- unrecuperativeness25
- unremunerativeness23
- unrepresentatively26
- unreproductiveness26
- unvituperativeness26
17 Letter:
- accommodativeness29
- animadversiveness26
- antiagglutinative22
- anticonfederative26
- anticorrosiveness22
- antihypertensives28
- appropriativeness26
- approximativeness33
- argumentativeness23
- authoritativeness23
- circumscriptively33
- collaborativeness24
- commemorativeness28
- communicativeness28
- comprehensiveness29
- concentrativeness24
- condescensiveness25
- considerativeness23
- contemplativeness26
- contradictiveness25
- contradistinctive25
- counterattractive24
- counteroffensives28
- counterproductive27
- demonstrativeness23
- determinativeness23
- disconnectiveness25
- electroconvulsive27
- electrodispersive25
- electropercussive26
- haemagglutinative27
- hyperconservative33
- immunosuppressive28
- improgressiveness25
- incommunicatively31
- incomprehensively32
- inconsecutiveness24
- indistinctiveness23
- intersubjectively34
- introspectiveness24
- maladministrative25
- misapprehensively32
- misrepresentative24
- neurodegenerative22
- nonaccumulatively29
- nonadjudicatively34
- nonadministrative23
- nonalliteratively23
- nonanticipatively27
- nonappreciatively29
- nonconclusiveness24
- nonconstructively27
- noncontributively27
- nondefinitiveness24
- nondepreciatively28
- nondiscriminative25
- nondiscursiveness23
- nondistributively26
- nonexhaustiveness30
- nonexpressiveness29
- nonfigurativeness24
- nonillustratively23
- nonimperativeness24
- nonimputativeness24
- noninterpretative22
- noninterpretively25
- nonintroversively26
- nonmeditativeness23
- nonmultiplicative26
- nonopinionatively25
- nonoppressiveness24
- nonperceptiveness26
- nonpermissiveness24
- nonpersuasiveness22
- nonpossessiveness22
- nonpreventiveness25
- nonproductiveness25
- nonproscriptively29
- nonprotrusiveness22
- nonquantitatively32
- nonreflectiveness25
- nonrefractiveness25
- nonregeneratively24
- nonremuneratively25
- nonrepresentative22
- nonreproductively28
- nonsubjectiveness31
- nonsubmissiveness24
- nonsubversiveness25
- nonsuccessiveness24
- nonsuggestiveness22
- nonsusceptiveness24
- nonsuspensiveness22
- nontransitiveness20
- nonvegetativeness24
- nonvituperatively28
- overaffirmatively34
- overargumentative26
- overassertiveness23
- overattentiveness23
- overcommunicative31
- overcompetitively32
- overdefensiveness27
- overdemonstrative26
- overdescriptively31
- overdestructively29
- overexpansiveness32
- overgesticulative26
- overimaginatively29
- overimitativeness25
- overinstructively28
- overoffensiveness29
- overpresumptively32
- oversensitiveness23
- overspeculatively30
- overstimulatively28
- overtalkativeness27
- philogenitiveness26
- photodissociative28
- photphotonegative31
- preadministrative25
- preaggressiveness24
- prefigurativeness26
- preinterpretative24
- procrastinatively27
- pseudoapplicative29
- pseudoassertively26
- pseudocompetitive29
- pseudolegislative24
- pseudoperspective29
- retrogressiveness21
- retrospectiveness24
- semicommunicative30
- semidefensiveness26
- semiexclusiveness31
- semilegislatively26
- semiobjectiveness33
- semiprogressively28
- semipurposiveness26
- semireflexiveness32
- semispeculatively29
- significativeness26
- subadministrative25
- subtersuperlative24
- superattractively27
- superconservative27
- superexpressively34
- superpositiveness24
- superregenerative23
- ultraconservative25
- unacquisitiveness31
- unargumentatively26
- unassociativeness22
- unattributiveness22
- unauthoritatively26
- unauthoritiveness23
- uncollaboratively27
- uncommemoratively31
- uncommiseratively29
- uncommunicatively31
- uncommutativeness26
- uncompetitiveness26
- uncomprehensively32
- uncontemplatively29
- uncooperativeness24
- uncorrelativeness22
- uncorroboratively27
- undeliverableness23
- undemonstratively26
- undescriptiveness25
- undestructiveness23
- undiffractiveness29
- unimaginativeness23
- uninquisitiveness29
- uninstinctiveness22
- uninstructiveness22
- uninterrogatively24
- unintrospectively27
- universitarianism22
- unoriginativeness21
- unprecipitatively29
- unprognosticative25
- unprogressiveness23
- unprovocativeness27
- unretrogressively24
- unsuperlativeness22
16 Letter:
- accumulativeness25
- administratively25
- alimentativeness21
- alliterativeness19
- antiaggressively24
- anticonscriptive25
- anticonservative24
- anticreativeness21
- antiexpressively31
- antifermentative24
- antihypertensive27
- antiproductively27
- antiputrefactive26
- appreciativeness25
- apprehensiveness26
- assimilativeness21
- automanipulative23
- circumspectively32
- colliquativeness30
- compensativeness25
- complaintiveness25
- congregativeness23
- conservativeness24
- consignificative27
- constitutiveness21
- constructiveness23
- consummativeness25
- continuativeness21
- contraindicative24
- contributiveness23
- counterintuitive21
- counterinvective26
- counternarrative21
- counteroffensive27
- deliberativeness22
- discriminatively27
- discursativeness22
- distributiveness22
- diversifiability28
- diversifications25
- electroreceptive25
- electrosensitive21
- electrostrictive23
- exaggerativeness28
- fermentativeness24
- hemagglutinative26
- hyperemotiveness29
- hyperexcursively39
- hyperobtrusively32
- hyperspeculative31
- hypersuperlative29
- homofermentative29
- imperceptiveness27
- inappreciatively28
- inapprehensively29
- inconclusiveness23
- indefinitiveness23
- indiscriminative24
- inexpressiveness28
- inhabitativeness24
- interdestructive22
- interjectiveness28
- interpenetrative21
- interpervasively27
- interpretatively24
- intransitiveness19
- irreflectiveness24
- irresponsiveness21
- isoagglutinative21
- liverheartedness23
- magnetostrictive24
- mechanoreceptive30
- multiplicatively28
- nonacquisitively33
- nonagglomerative23
- nonagglutinative21
- nonappropriative25
- nonargumentative22
- nonassertiveness19
- nonassociatively24
- nonattributively24
- nonauthoritative22
- noncausativeness21
- noncollaborative23
- noncollusiveness21
- noncommemorative27
- noncommiserative25
- noncommunicative27
- noncompetitively28
- noncomprehensive28
- noncompressively28
- nonconcentrative23
- nonconduciveness24
- nonconjunctively33
- nonconnotatively24
- nonconsecutively26
- nonconsumptively28
- noncontaminative23
- noncontemplative25
- noncorrelatively24
- noncorroborative23
- noncorrosiveness21
- noncounteractive23
- nondeceptiveness24
- nondeclaratively25
- nondefectiveness25
- nondefensiveness23
- nondemonstrative22
- nondeprecatively27
- nondescriptively27
- nondestructively25
- nondeterminative22
- nondiffractively31
- nondisjunctively32
- nonexcessiveness28
- nonexpansiveness28
- nonexplosiveness28
- nonextensiveness26
- nonexterminative28
- nonimitativeness21
- nonimplicatively28
- nonimpulsiveness23
- noninclusiveness21
- nonincorporative23
- noninformatively27
- noninstinctively24
- noninstructively24
- noninterpolative21
- nonintrospective23
- nonintuitiveness19
- nonlegislatively23
- nonlucrativeness21
- nonnutritiveness19
- nonobsessiveness21
- nonobstructively26
- nonoffensiveness25
- nonprecipitative25
- nonpredicatively27
- nonpresumptively28
- nonprimitiveness23
- nonprogressively25
- nonprohibitively29
- nonprovocatively29
- nonpurposiveness23
- nonqualitatively31
- nonreceptiveness23
- nonresistiveness19
- nonrestrictively24
- nonresuscitative21
- nonretentiveness19
- nonretroactively24
- nonseclusiveness21
- nonsensitiveness19
- nonsignificative25
- nonspeculatively26
- nonsubstantively24
- nonsubtractively26
- nonsuppositively26
- nonsuppressively26
- nontalkativeness23
- nontentativeness19
- nonterminatively24
- nontranscriptive23
- nontransgressive20
- opinionativeness21
- overaggressively27
- overappreciative28
- overapprehensive29
- overassumptively29
- overconservative27
- overdecoratively28
- overdepressively28
- overderisiveness23
- overdiversifying30
- overeffusiveness28
- overexpressively34
- overillustrative22
- overpositiveness24
- overreflectively30
- parthenogenitive25
- philoprogenitive27
- phototransceiver26
- postreproductive26
- preacquisitively35
- precomprehensive30
- predemonstrative24
- predeterminative24
- preoffensiveness27
- prescriptiveness25
- presignificative27
- proscriptiveness25
- pseudoaggressive24
- putrefactiveness26
- quadriderivative33
- quantitativeness28
- recollectiveness23
- reconstructively26
- recuperativeness23
- remunerativeness21
- repercussiveness23
- representatively24
- reproductiveness24
- resinoextractive28
- semiadhesiveness25
- semiconservative26
- semidivisiveness25
- semifiguratively28
- semiproductively29
- semiprotectively28
- semiquantitative30
- semiuniversalist21
- semiverticillate23
- stupefactiveness26
- subassociatively26
- subconjunctively35
- subdistinctively27
- subeffectiveness29
- subformativeness26
- supereffectively32
- superinclusively26
- superinquisitive30
- superoffensively30
- supersecretively26
- superuniversally24
- transmigratively25
- transmissiveness21
- unabsorptiveness23
- unaccumulatively28
- unadministrative22
- unaggressiveness21
- unappreciatively28
- unapprehensively29
- unattractiveness21
- uncircumspective29
- unconclusiveness23
- unconductiveness24
- unconglutinative22
- unconservatively27
- unconstructively26
- uncontributively26
- unconvulsiveness24
- undefinitiveness23
- undeliberatively25
- undepressiveness22
- undigressiveness21
- undiscriminative24
- unexhaustiveness29
- unexpressiveness28
- unimpressiveness23
- uninterpretative21
- uninterpretively24
- uninvigoratively26
- universalisation19
- universalization28
- unmultiplicative25
- unoppressiveness23
- unperceptiveness25
- unperfectiveness26
- unpersuasiveness21
- unpossessiveness21
- unpreventiveness24
- unproductiveness24
- unproscriptively28
- unrefractiveness24
- unregressiveness20
- unremuneratively24
- unrepresentative21
- unrepressiveness21
- unreproductively27
- unrespectiveness23
- unresponsiveness21
- unsubmissiveness23
- unsubversiveness24
- unsuccessiveness23
- unsuggestiveness21
- untransformative24
- untransitiveness19
- ununiversitylike26
- unvindictiveness25
- unvituperatively27
- vasoconstrictive26
15 Letter:
- abstractiveness22
- accommodatively30
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- affirmativeness26
- agglutinatively23
- alternativeness18
- anniversariness18
- anticoagulative21
- anticommutative24
- anticompetitive24
- anticorrosively23
- antiprogressive21
- appellativeness22
- approbativeness24
- approximatively34
- argumentatively24
- associativeness20
- attributiveness20
- authoritatively24
- autoprogressive21
- circumscriptive28
- cirrocumulative24
- coextensiveness27
- collaboratively25
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- commiseratively27
- communicatively29
- comparativeness24
- competitiveness24
- complementative26
- complimentative26
- comprehensively30
- computativeness24
- condescensively26
- conjunctiveness29
- consecutiveness22
- consideratively24
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- contemplatively27
- contractiveness22
- contradictively26
- contrapositives22
- contrastiveness20
- cooperativeness22
- correlativeness20
- corresponsively25
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- cosignificative26
- counteractively25
- decontaminative23
- demonstratively24
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- destructiveness21
- determinatively24
- differentiative25
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- disassimilative21
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- divertissements21
- dorsiventrality22
- electronegative21
- electropositive22
- excommunicative33
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- experimentative29
- explorativeness27
- expostulatively30
- exquisitiveness34
- gesticulatively24
- imaginativeness21
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- inattentiveness18
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- incomprehensive27
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- vindicativeness24
14 Letter:
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- vituperatively25
13 Letter:
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- tergiversator17
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- transfusively22
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- transmutative18
- transpirative18
- transpositive18
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- transriverine16
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- uncirculative20
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- uncommutative22
- uncompetitive22
- unconducively24
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- unconjunctive27
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- unconsumptive22
- uncontrastive18
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- uncorrelative18
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- unexcursively28
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- unexpansively28
- unexpensively28
- unexplicative27
- unexplorative25
- unexplosively28
- unforgiveness20
- ungerminative19
- ungravitative20
- unhortatively22
- unimaginative19
- unimpulsively23
- uninceptively23
- uninfluencive21
- uninformative21
- uninoculative18
- uninquisitive25
- uninsinuative16
- uninstigative17
- uninstinctive18
- uninstitutive16
- uninstructive18
- unintegrative17
- unintensively19
- unintrusively19
- unintuitively19
- uninventively22
- unirradiative17
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- universaliser16
- universalists16
- universalized26
- universalizer25
- universalizes25
- universalness16
- universitatis16
- unlegislative17
- unlubricative20
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- unoriginative17
- unostensively19
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- unpresumptive22
- unprimitively23
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- unprohibitive23
- unpropagative21
- unprospective22
- unprotractive20
- unprovocative23
- unpurgatively22
- unradioactive19
- unreceptively23
- unrecessively21
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- unreiterative16
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- unrepudiative19
- unrepulsively21
- unrestitutive16
- unrestorative16
- unrestrictive18
- unretaliative16
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- unretroactive18
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- unsecretively21
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- unsuperlative18
- unsuppositive20
- unsuppressive20
- unsuppurative20
- unterminative18
- vasoformative24
- verbigerative22
- vindicatively25
12 Letter:
- abirritative17
- abortiveness17
- abrasiveness17
- absorptively22
- accelerative19
- accompletive23
- accumulative21
- accusatively22
- adaptiveness18
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- aggressively20
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- anticipative19
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- antireactive17
- antivenereal15
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- appointively22
- appositively22
- appreciative21
- apprehensive22
- aquativeness24
- archdeceiver23
- architective22
- articulative17
- asphyxiative30
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- assimilative17
- assumptively22
- astrictively20
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- auscultative17
- autopositive17
- bedrivelling19
- birefractive22
- calumniative19
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- capacitively24
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- cinenegative18
- circumscrive23
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- convictively25
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- correctively22
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- depreciative20
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- deputatively21
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- derivatively22
- derogatively20
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- detractively21
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- diversionary19
- diversionist16
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- divertimento18
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- extrovertive25
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- hypertensive23
- illucidative18
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- intercessive17
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- intoxicative24
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- introductive18
- introjective24
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- laxativeness22
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- liquefactive29
- liveableness17
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- preinductive20
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- preoffensive23
- preoperative19
- preparatives19
- preprimitive21
- prepurposive21
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- prerogatives18
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- preservative20
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- pretentative17
- preternative17
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- preventively23
- productively23
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- propitiative19
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- protensively20
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- puddingwives23
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- regenerative16
- regressively19
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- ruminatively20
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- tormentative17
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- transmissive17
- transportive17
- transudative16
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- transversive18
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- uncollective19
- uncombustive21
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- unconductive20
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- uncontortive17
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- unconvulsive20
- uncorrective19
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- uninflective20
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- uninnovative18
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- uninvocative20
- unirritative15
- universalian15
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- universalism17
- universalist15
- universality18
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- universities15
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- unmedicative20
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- unperfective22
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- unprotective19
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- unreflective20
- unrefractive20
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- unrepressive17
- unrespective19
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- veneratively21
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- vituperative20
- vivificative26
- vociferative23
- vomitiveness20
11 Letter:
- abstractive18
- abusiveness16
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- acetylative19
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- addictively21
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- deliverymen20
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- explosively26
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- opinatively19
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- procurative18
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- progressive17
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- prospective20
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- punctuative18
- purgatively20
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- reprobative18
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- restiveness14
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- retaliative14
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- scrivelloes16
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- secretively19
- seductively20
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- semicursive18
- semipassive18
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- stimulative16
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- substrative16
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- supervisive19
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- suppressive18
- suppurative18
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- temperative18
- temulentive16
- tentatively17
- terminative16
- terremotive16
- thanksgiver22
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- transfusive17
- translative14
- transmutive16
- tribunitive16
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- tumefactive21
- unabjective25
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- unexudative22
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- unhortative17
- unimitative16
- unimpulsive18
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- uninfective19
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- unintensive14
- unintrusive14
- unintuitive14
- uninvective19
- uninventive17
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- unitiveness14
- universalia14
- universalis14
- universally17
- universeful17
- universitas14
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- unmediative17
- unmigrative17
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- unnormative16
- unnutritive14
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- unoffensive20
- unoperative16
- unostensive14
- unoxidative22
- unpartitive16
- unpassively19
- unperceived19
- unpervasive19
- unprecisive18
- unprimitive18
- unprobative18
- unpromotive18
- unpulsative16
- unpurgative17
- unpurposive18
- unquivering24
- unradiative15
- unreceptive18
- unrecessive16
- unreclusive16
- unrejective23
- unremissive16
- unrepulsive16
- unresistive14
- unresultive14
- unretentive14
- unseclusive16
- unsecretive16
- unseductive17
- unselective16
- unsensitive14
- unshivering18
- unshriveled18
- unsiccative18
- unsuffusive20
- unswiveling18
- untalkative18
- unviolative17
- variatively20
- vasifactive22
- vasofactive22
- vellicative19
- ventilative17
- verberative19
- vibromotive21
- vindicative20
- viverriform22
- vivisective22
- voluntative17
- vulnerative17
10 Letter:
- abdicative18
- aberrative15
- abjunctive24
- ablatively18
- abnegative16
- abortively18
- abrasively18
- abrogative16
- absolutive15
- absorptive17
- abstersive15
- accusative17
- acervative18
- activeness15
- adaptative16
- adaptively19
- addictives17
- additively18
- adequative23
- adhesively20
- adjectives23
- adjunctive23
- admirative16
- admonitive16
- adoptative16
- adoptively19
- adsorptive16
- advocative19
- affinitive19
- afflictive21
- affrontive19
- afterlives16
- aggressive15
- airbrasive15
- alimentive15
- alkatively20
- allocutive15
- allusively16
- alterative13
- ambulative17
- ampliative17
- amputative17
- annotative13
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- antivenine13
- antivenins13
- apodictive18
- apperceive19
- appetitive17
- applausive17
- appointive17
- appositive17
- appraisive17
- arrogative14
- ascriptive17
- assaultive13
- assumptive17
- astrictive15
- astructive15
- attemptive17
- attractive15
- augmentive16
- autoactive15
- automative15
- automotive15
- babblative19
- bedriveled17
- beshivered19
- biliverdic18
- biliverdin16
- bribegiver18
- broadwives19
- cantaliver15
- capacitive19
- capitative17
- caritative15
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- coactively20
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- coercitive17
- coercively20
- cogitative16
- cognitives16
- cohesively21
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- collective17
- colorative15
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- comitative17
- commissive19
- compassive19
- completive19
- complexive26
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- conclusive17
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- conjective24
- connective17
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- consultive15
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- corrosives15
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- credensive16
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- cunctative17
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- decisively19
- decorative16
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- defunctive19
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- delivering15
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- distensive14
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- drivescrew19
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- emigrative16
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- executives22
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- expeditive23
- expletives22
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- explosives22
- expositive22
- expressive22
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- extractive22
- extroitive20
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- floatative16
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- fricatives18
- fugitively20
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- geminative16
- generative14
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- hebetative18
- hesitative16
- hypoactive23
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- illatively16
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- impositive17
- impressive17
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- indicative16
- indurative14
- infinitive16
- inflective18
- inflictive18
- ingressive14
- inhibitive18
- initiative13
- injunctive22
- innovative16
- inspective17
- intensives13
- interriven13
- invectives18
- invocative18
- irrelative13
- irrigative14
- irritative13
- jackknives30
- jaculative22
- judicative23
- klendusive18
- lacerative15
- laxatively23
- lenitively16
- levitative16
- liberative15
- limitative15
- livebearer15
- livelihead17
- livelihood17
- liveliness13
- livenesses13
- liverberry18
- liveryless16
- liverworts16
- liverwurst16
- liveweight20
- locomotive17
- luminative15
- lustrative13
- macerative17
- manumotive17
- maturative15
- medicative18
- meditative16
- memorative17
- microdrive18
- misdeliver16
- misderived17
- misdidived18
- misforgive19
- misreceive17
- mitigative16
- modulative16
- motivative18
- motiveless15
- motiveness15
- mulctative17
- multiverse15
- mutilative15
- naivetivet16
- narratives13
- nativeness13
- negatively17
- neglective16
- nivellator13
- nivernaise13
- nominative15
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- nonactives15
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- nonemotive15
- nonerosive13
- nonevasive16
- nonfestive16
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- nonnatives13
- nonstative13
- nulliverse13
- numerative15
- nunciative15
- objectives24
- obligative16
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- occupative19
- offensives19
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- olivesheen16
- omissively18
- omniactive17
- operatives15
- opiniative15
- oppilative17
- oppositive17
- oppressive17
- optatively18
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- overlively19
- overstrive16
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- pedomotive18
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- perceptive19
- perculsive17
- percussive17
- perfective20
- perivenous15
- permansive17
- permeative17
- permissive17
- permixtive24
- perorative15
- persistive15
- persuasive15
- perversive18
- pervertive18
- portentive15
- portglaive16
- positively18
- positivest15
- possessive15
- preceptive19
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- precursive17
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- predeprive18
- prederived17
- predictive18
- preemptive19
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- prehensive18
- prereceive17
- presentive15
- pretensive15
- preventive18
- primitives17
- processive17
- procursive17
- productive18
- professive18
- projective24
- promissive17
- propulsive17
- protective17
- protensive15
- protestive15
- protrusive15
- punitively18
- purgatives16
- putatively18
- quantitive22
- quassative22
- quiddative24
- quiverleaf25
- reactively18
- readaptive16
- recitative15
- reconceive17
- recontrive15
- recreative15
- recusative15
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- redelivery17
- redelivers14
- redemptive18
- redressive14
- reflective18
- reflexives23
- refractive18
- refutative16
- regressive14
- regulative14
- relatively16
- relaxative20
- renovative16
- reparative15
- reperceive17
- repetitive15
- repressive15
- repudative16
- reputative15
- resolutive13
- resorptive15
- respective17
- respersive15
- responsive15
- resumptive17
- retractive15
- retreative13
- revelative16
- revivement18
- revocative18
- rheumative18
- riverbanks19
- riverfront16
- riverscape17
- riversider14
- riverwards17
- roborative15
- rotatively16
- ruminative15
- screwdrive19
- scrivellos15
- scrivenery18
- scriveners15
- scrivening16
- sejunctive22
- semblative17
- semiactive17
- seminative15
- semivector17
- sensitives13
- separative15
- shivereens16
- shiversome18
- shiverweed20
- shriveling17
- shrivelled17
- sigilative14
- similative15
- similitive15
- simulative15
- skiverwood21
- sliverlike17
- snivelling14
- somniative15
- splenative15
- splenetive15
- splenitive15
- spoliative15
- sportively18
- spurtively18
- subfestive18
- subjective24
- submissive17
- subreptive17
- subscriver17
- subsultive15
- subventive18
- subversive18
- successive17
- succussive17
- suggestive15
- suppletive17
- supportive17
- suppresive17
- surjective22
- susceptive17
- suspensive15
- sustentive13
- swiveleyed20
- swivellike20
- swivelling17
- swiveltail16
- tapedrives16
- taxatively23
- taxidriver21
- tempestive17
- tergiverse14
- thriveless16
- tolerative13
- tonalitive13
- tormentive15
- traductive16
- transceive15
- transitive13
- triverbial15
- trivetwise16
- ulcerative15
- unablative15
- unabortive15
- unabrasive15
- unactively18
- unadaptive16
- unadhesive17
- unadoptive16
- unallusive13
- uncaptived18
- uncohesive18
- unconnived16
- uncreative15
- undeceived17
- undeceiver16
- undeceives16
- undecisive16
- undelivery17
- undelusive14
- undeprived17
- underdrive15
- underisive14
- underriver14
- undilative14
- undiverted15
- undivested15
- undivisive17
- undulative14
- uneffusive19
- unejective22
- unelective15
- unemissive15
- uneruptive15
- unfixative23
- unforgiven17
- unforgiver17
- unfugitive17
- ungenitive14
- ungiveable16
- unillusive13
- unincisive15
- uninfusive16
- uninvasive16
- universals13
- universite13
- university16
- unliveable15
- unliveably18
- unliveried14
- unliveries13
- unlocative15
- unmutative15
- unplausive15
- unpleasive15
- unpositive15
- unpunitive15
- unputative15
- unquivered23
- unreactive15
- unreceived16
- unrelative13
- unriveting14
- unrotative13
- unsedative14
- unshivered17
- unsportive15
- unsurvived17
- unswiveled17
- unvolitive16
- usurpative15
- vasoactive18
- vegetative17
- venerative16
- vindictive19
- visitative16
- viverridae17
- viverrinae16
- vocatively21
- votiveness16
- waiverable18
- wanthriven19
9 Letter:
- abjective23
- ablatives14
- abrasives14
- abusively17
- acceptive18
- accessive16
- accretive16
- aconative14
- acurative14
- addictive16
- additives14
- adductive16
- adhesives16
- adjective22
- adjustive20
- admissive15
- advancive18
- advective18
- adventive16
- adversive16
- affective20
- agentives13
- agitative13
- aliveness12
- almsgiver15
- amatively17
- ambiverts16
- amusively17
- animative14
- anniverse12
- antivenin12
- antivenom14
- aperitive14
- appeasive16
- applosive16
- appulsive16
- archivers17
- arrestive12
- ascensive14
- aspersive14
- assausive12
- assentive12
- assertive12
- assistive12
- assortive12
- assuasive12
- attentive12
- attestive12
- attritive12
- auditives13
- avocative17
- awunctive17
- bedrivels15
- beshivers17
- beshrivel17
- bijective23
- biplosive16
- biventral14
- cabdriver17
- calmative16
- cantative14
- caressive14
- causative14
- cessative14
- civetlike18
- clamative16
- coderived16
- coderives15
- coemptive18
- cognitive15
- collative14
- collisive14
- collusive14
- combative18
- commotive18
- conceived17
- conceiver16
- conceives16
- conducive17
- confusive17
- connexive21
- connivent14
- connivery17
- connivers14
- connotive14
- contrived15
- contriver14
- contrives14
- contusive14
- corrasive14
- corrosive14
- costively17
- creditive15
- curatives14
- cursively17
- curvative17
- deceivers15
- deceptive17
- declivent15
- decoctive17
- decretive15
- decursive15
- deductive16
- deerdrive14
- defeasive16
- defective18
- defencive18
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- delivered14
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- deliverly16
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- demissive15
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- detentive13
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- diffusive19
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- dimensive15
- directive15
- disshiver16
- divellent13
- divelling14
- divergent14
- diverging15
- diversely16
- diversify19
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- diversory16
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- diverting14
- divertise13
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- divesting14
- divesture13
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- divulsive16
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- drivebolt15
- drivehead17
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- driveline13
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- driveller13
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- drivewell16
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- effective20
- egressive13
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- elusively15
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- embracive18
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- emulative14
- encaptive16
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- evasively18
- evocative17
- evolutive15
- exceptive23
- excessive21
- exclusive21
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- excursive21
- executive21
- exemptive23
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- expective23
- expensive21
- expiative21
- expletive21
- explosive21
- expulsive21
- extensive19
- extersive19
- extorsive19
- extortive19
- extrusive19
- exudative20
- factitive17
- festively18
- fictively20
- fishwives21
- fivepence19
- fivepenny20
- fivescore17
- fixatives22
- flotative15
- forgetive16
- forgivers16
- formative17
- fortyfive21
- fricative17
- fugitives16
- furtively18
- gemmative17
- genitives13
- gernative13
- gerundive14
- gestative13
- gignitive14
- giveaways19
- givenness13
- glenlivet13
- goodwives17
- gradative14
- guativere13
- gustative13
- halflives18
- helldiver16
- hortative15
- housewive18
- humective19
- illapsive14
- illatives12
- imitative14
- immensive16
- immersive16
- impactive18
- impartive16
- impassive16
- impletive16
- implosive16
- impulsive16
- incensive14
- incentive14
- inceptive16
- inclusive14
- incursive14
- indictive15
- inductive15
- infantive15
- infective17
- infestive15
- inflative15
- inflexive22
- influxive22
- ingestive13
- injective21
- insertive12
- insistive12
- intensive12
- intentive12
- intrusive12
- intuitive12
- invective17
- inventive15
- inversive15
- invertive15
- invictive17
- irruptive14
- isolative12
- iterative12
- jacknives25
- kalewives19
- lambitive16
- lamentive14
- laudative13
- lawgivers16
- laxatives19
- lenitives12
- liveliest12
- liverance14
- liverydom18
- liveryman17
- liverymen17
- liverleaf15
- liverless12
- liverpool14
- liverwort15
- livestock18
- livetraps14
- locatives14
- lucrative14
- mandative15
- massively17
- mediative15
- migrative15
- minsitive14
- misderive15
- misdriven15
- misdrives15
- misthrive17
- naiveness12
- naiveties12
- narrative12
- negatived14
- negativer13
- negatives13
- nivellate12
- nonactive14
- nondriver13
- nonnative12
- nonwaiver15
- normative14
- nutritive12
- objective23
- obsessive14
- obtrusive14
- obviative17
- occlusive16
- occursive16
- offensive18
- olfactive17
- oliveness12
- olivenite12
- oliverian12
- oliverman14
- olivermen14
- olivewood16
- onerative12
- operative14
- opinative14
- optatives14
- ostensive12
- ostentive12
- outdriven13
- outdrives13
- outlivers12
- outstrive12
- overdrive16
- overlived16
- overliver15
- overlives15
- oxidative20
- partitive14
- passively17
- pendative15
- penknives18
- pensively17
- perceived17
- perceiver16
- perceives16
- perfusive17
- perlative14
- pervasive17
- petiveria14
- placative16
- plaintive14
- plicative16
- plurative14
- pollutive14
- portative14
- positiver14
- positives14
- preactive16
- precative16
- precisive16
- predative15
- prederive15
- predivert15
- predriven15
- predriver15
- prelusive14
- prenative14
- prescrive16
- previsive17
- primitive16
- privative17
- proactive16
- probative16
- profusive17
- prolative14
- promotive16
- promptive18
- pronative14
- provisive17
- pulldrive15
- pulsative14
- purgative15
- purposive16
- quesitive21
- quiverers21
- quiverful24
- quivering22
- quiverish24
- quotative21
- radiative13
- receivers14
- receptive16
- recessive14
- reclusive14
- recursive14
- redditive14
- redeceive15
- redeliver13
- redeprive15
- reductive15
- refective17
- reflexive22
- reforgive16
- rejective21
- relatives12
- remissive14
- repletive14
- repulsive14
- resentive12
- resistive12
- resoutive12
- restively15
- restriven12
- restrives12
- resultive12
- retardive13
- retentive12
- retortive12
- retrusive12
- reunitive12
- reversive15
- revertive15
- revulsive15
- ringgiver14
- rivederci15
- riverbank18
- riverbeds15
- riverboat14
- riverbush17
- riverdamp17
- riverhead16
- riverhood16
- riverines12
- riverless12
- riverlike16
- riverling13
- riverside13
- riverward16
- riverwash18
- riverweed16
- riverwise15
- rivethead16
- rivetless12
- rivetlike16
- rivetting13
- scriptive16
- scrivello14
- scrivener14
- scrivenly17
- seclusive14
- secretive14
- sedatives13
- seductive15
- selective14
- sensitive12
- shiverers15
- shivering16
- shriveled16
- siccative16
- skydivers20
- skindiver17
- sliverers12
- slivering13
- snivelers12
- sniveling13
- snivelled13
- sniveller12
- sociative14
- soliative12
- spoilfive17
- sputative14
- structive14
- suasively15
- sublative14
- submotive16
- subniveal14
- subnivean14
- subrisive14
- subscrive16
- subsecive16
- subsicive16
- succesive16
- suffusive18
- summative16
- superhive17
- supervive17
- survivers15
- swiveleye18
- swiveling16
- swivelled16
- talkative16
- tentative12
- tirrivees12
- traditive13
- triverbal14
- ululative12
- unabusive14
- unamative14
- unamusive14
- unarrived13
- undeceive15
- underdive14
- underhive16
- underived14
- underlive13
- undiverse13
- unelusive12
- unemotive14
- unerosive12
- unevasive15
- unfestive15
- unitively15
- univerbal14
- universal12
- universes12
- unmotived15
- unnaively15
- unpassive14
- unrevived16
- unriveted13
- unshrived16
- unshriven15
- unthriven15
- urinative12
- usitative12
- valuative15
- variative15
- versative15
- vetivenol15
- vetiveria15
- vibrative17
- violative15
- viverrids16
- viverrine15
- vocatives17
- vomitives17
- writative15
8 Letter:
- abditive14
- abessive13
- ablative13
- aborsive13
- abortive13
- abrasive13
- accusive15
- actively16
- adaptive14
- additive13
- adessive12
- adhesive15
- adoptive14
- adustive12
- advisive15
- agentive12
- alewives14
- allative11
- allusive11
- ambivert15
- annexive18
- archived17
- archiver16
- archives16
- arrivers11
- arrosive11
- auditive12
- aversive14
- avertive14
- bedivere14
- bedrivel14
- beehives16
- beknived18
- beshiver16
- besnivel13
- bivector15
- biventer13
- biverbal15
- boastive13
- captived16
- captives15
- caritive13
- celative13
- chiveret16
- civetone13
- coactive15
- coderive14
- coercive15
- cohesive16
- conative13
- conceive15
- connived14
- conniver13
- connives13
- conscive15
- contrive13
- convives16
- cooptive15
- creative13
- crescive15
- curative13
- cursives13
- datively15
- deceived15
- deceiver14
- deceives14
- decisive14
- deducive15
- delative12
- deletive12
- delivery15
- delivers12
- delusive12
- denotive12
- deprived15
- depriver14
- deprives14
- derisive12
- derivers12
- descrive14
- desitive12
- dilative12
- dilutive12
- discrive14
- divebomb18
- divelled13
- diverged14
- diverges13
- diversly15
- diverted13
- diverter12
- divertor12
- divested13
- divisive15
- donative12
- drivecap16
- driveled13
- driveler12
- driveway18
- durative12
- eductive14
- effusive17
- egestive12
- ejective20
- elatives11
- elecives13
- elective13
- emissive13
- emulsive13
- enactive13
- enlivens11
- equative20
- erective13
- ergative12
- eruptive13
- eversive14
- evincive16
- exactive20
- excitive20
- excusive20
- exertive18
- finitive14
- fivefold18
- fiveling15
- fivepins16
- fivesome16
- fixative21
- floative14
- fordrive15
- forelive14
- forgiven15
- forgiver15
- forgives15
- fruitive14
- fugitive15
- genitive12
- gilliver12
- giveable14
- giveaway18
- guessive12
- guestive12
- gulliver12
- hiveless14
- hivelike18
- hiveward18
- huswives17
- ideative12
- ignitive12
- illative11
- illusive11
- immotive15
- inactive13
- incisive13
- incitive13
- inducive14
- indutive12
- inessive11
- infusive14
- inhesive14
- innative11
- invasive14
- junctive20
- jurative18
- jussives18
- khedives19
- lawgiver15
- laxative18
- legative12
- lenitive11
- ligative12
- limitive13
- liveable13
- liveborn13
- livelier11
- livelily14
- livelong12
- liveners11
- liveness11
- livening12
- liveried12
- liveries11
- livering12
- liverish14
- livetrap13
- liveware14
- locative13
- maestive13
- maladive14
- midwived18
- midwives17
- minivers13
- misdived15
- misdrive14
- misgiven14
- misgives14
- mislived14
- mislives13
- missives13
- monitive13
- mutative13
- naivetes11
- natively14
- negative12
- nivenite11
- nonlives11
- nosedive12
- notative11
- novative14
- occasive15
- oldwives15
- olivella11
- olivetan11
- olivette11
- omissive13
- optative13
- orective13
- outdrive12
- outgiven12
- outgives12
- outlived12
- outliver11
- outlives11
- overgive15
- overlive14
- pacative15
- palative13
- passives13
- pensived14
- perceive15
- pilliver13
- plausive13
- plosives13
- positive13
- potative13
- practive15
- predrive14
- pressive13
- proclive15
- punitive13
- putative13
- quaviver23
- quietive20
- quivered21
- quiverer20
- reactive13
- rearrive11
- received14
- receiver13
- receives13
- recidive14
- redivert12
- redivive15
- redriven12
- redrives12
- refusive14
- regitive12
- relative11
- remotive13
- restrive11
- rethrive14
- revivers14
- riveling12
- rivelled12
- riverain11
- riverbed14
- riverine11
- riverish14
- riverlet11
- riverman13
- rivermen13
- riverway17
- riveters11
- riveting12
- rivetted12
- rogative12
- rotative11
- sanative11
- sandiver12
- sedative12
- seducive14
- shivered15
- shiverer14
- shrivels14
- shrivers14
- skydived20
- skydiver19
- skydives19
- skindive16
- slivered12
- sliverer11
- sniveled12
- sniveler11
- snivelly14
- solutive11
- sorptive13
- sportive13
- spurtive13
- statives11
- strivers11
- stuivers11
- subolive13
- survived15
- surviver14
- survives14
- swiveled15
- swivetty17
- taxative18
- thrivers14
- tirrivee11
- totitive11
- tractive13
- tristive11
- trivette11
- unactive13
- undriven12
- universe11
- unlively14
- unlivery14
- unnative11
- unswivel14
- unthrive14
- unwaived15
- upquiver22
- uprivers13
- upstrive13
- vegetive15
- vetitive14
- vetivene14
- vetivers14
- vetivert14
- viverrid15
- vocative16
- volitive14
- vomitive16
- votively17
7 Letter:
- abusive12
- actives12
- aestive10
- amative12
- amusive12
- aquiver19
- archive15
- arrived11
- arriver10
- arrives10
- ascrive12
- ashiver13
- athrive13
- becivet14
- beehive15
- bonnive12
- caliver12
- captive14
- censive12
- chetive15
- claiver12
- clivers12
- connive12
- convive15
- corrive12
- costive12
- cresive12
- crivetz21
- cultive12
- cursive12
- datives11
- deceive13
- declive13
- deliver11
- deprive13
- derived12
- deriver11
- derives11
- dislive11
- diverge12
- diverse11
- diverts11
- divests11
- drivels11
- drivers11
- educive13
- elative10
- elecive12
- elusive10
- emotive12
- emptive14
- emusive12
- endives11
- enliven10
- erosive10
- evasive13
- factive15
- fensive13
- festive13
- fictive15
- fissive13
- fivebar15
- flative13
- flexive20
- fluxive20
- forcive15
- forgive14
- forlive13
- furtive13
- glaived12
- glaives11
- grivets11
- hastive13
- hective15
- ingiver11
- initive10
- jiveass17
- jussive17
- khedive18
- lawgive14
- lessive10
- liveyer13
- livened11
- livener10
- livered11
- livetin10
- lucivee12
- massive12
- meniver12
- miniver12
- minivet12
- misgive13
- mislive12
- missive12
- motived13
- motives12
- naively13
- naivest10
- naivete10
- naivety13
- natives10
- niveous10
- nonlive10
- olivean10
- outgive11
- outlive10
- outrive10
- passive12
- pensive12
- plosive12
- privets12
- pulsive12
- pursive12
- quivery22
- quivers19
- realive10
- receive12
- redrive11
- regiven11
- regives11
- reivers10
- relived11
- reliver10
- relives10
- rerivet10
- restive10
- revived14
- reviver13
- revives13
- riveled11
- rivered11
- riveret10
- riverly13
- riveted11
- riveter10
- ruptive12
- scrived13
- scriven12
- scriver12
- scrives12
- sective12
- sensive10
- sertive10
- shivery16
- shivers13
- shrived14
- shrivel13
- shriven13
- shriver13
- shrives13
- skydive18
- skivers14
- slivery13
- slivers10
- snively13
- snivels10
- spivery15
- staiver10
- stative10
- stivers10
- strived11
- striven10
- striver10
- strives10
- stuiver10
- suasive10
- survive13
- swivels13
- swivets13
- tactive12
- taivers10
- taivert10
- tardive11
- tensive10
- thrived14
- thriven13
- thriver13
- thrives13
- torsive10
- tortive10
- trivets10
- tuitive10
- tussive10
- unalive10
- ungiven11
- unitive10
- unlived11
- unliver10
- unlives10
- unnaive10
- unrived11
- unriven10
- unrivet10
- unwived14
- updived14
- updives13
- upriver12
- vetiver13
- vivency18
- vivendi14
- viverra13
- waivery16
- waivers13
- wiverns13
6 Letter:
- active11
- aivers9
- alives9
- argive10
- arrive9
- avives12
- belive11
- biverb13
- chivey17
- chiver14
- chives14
- civets11
- cliver11
- cruive11
- dative10
- derive10
- divell10
- diverb12
- divers10
- divert10
- divest10
- drivel10
- driven10
- driver10
- drives10
- endive10
- enlive9
- enrive9
- essive9
- estive9
- fivers12
- fixive19
- fotive12
- givens10
- givers10
- giveth13
- glaive10
- grivet10
- haiver12
- inhive12
- knived14
- knivey16
- knives13
- lative9
- livedo10
- lively12
- livens9
- livery12
- livers9
- livest9
- liveth12
- lixive16
- luxive16
- motive11
- musive11
- mutive11
- naiver9
- naives9
- native9
- niveau9
- nocive11
- ogived11
- ogives10
- olived10
- oliver9
- olives9
- olivet9
- optive11
- ortive9
- privet11
- quiver18
- redive10
- regive10
- reived10
- reiver9
- reives9
- relive9
- revive12
- rivell9
- rivery12
- rivers9
- rivets9
- sative9
- scrive11
- shivey15
- shiver12
- shives12
- shrive12
- sivers9
- skived14
- skiver13
- skives13
- sliver9
- snivey12
- snivel9
- stiver9
- strive9
- suivez18
- swived13
- swivel12
- swiver12
- swives12
- swivet12
- taiver9
- thivel12
- thrive12
- toivel9
- trivet9
- ungive10
- unhive12
- unlive9
- unwive12
- updive12
- upgive12
- uprive11
- visive12
- vively15
- vivers12
- viveur12
- votive12
- waived13
- waiver12
- waives12
- wivern12
- wivers12
5 Letter:
- aiver8
- alive8
- chive13
- civet10
- clive10
- dived10
- divel9
- diver9
- dives9
- divet9
- drive9
- fiver11
- fives11
- givey12
- given9
- giver9
- gives9
- hived12
- hiver11
- hives11
- jived16
- jives15
- kiver12
- knive12
- lived9
- liven8
- liver8
- lives8
- naive8
- ogive9
- olive8
- reive8
- rived9
- rivel8
- riven8
- river8
- rives8
- rivet8
- shive11
- siver8
- skive12
- slive8
- stive8
- swive11
- tiver8
- vivek15
- viver11
- vives11
- waive11
- wived12
- wiver11
- wives11
- wrive11
4 Letter:
- cive9
- dive8
- five10
- give8
- hive10
- jive14
- live7
- rive7
- vive10
- wive10
3 Letter:
- ive6
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