21 Letter:
- crystalloluminescence32
- selectivitysenescence33
- tessarescaedecahedron30
- tetrabromofluorescein30
- thermophosphorescence40
20 Letter:
- hyperphosphorescence42
- noncondescendingness27
- reticulatocoalescent26
- thermophosphorescent37
- tribophosphorescence36
19 Letter:
- cathodofluorescence32
- cathodoluminescence31
- chemicoluminescence34
- electroluminescence27
- overdescriptiveness30
- photophosphorescent36
- semiphosphorescence35
- tribophosphorescent33
18 Letter:
- bacteriofluorescin27
- cathodoluminescent28
- chemicoluminescent31
- electroluminescent24
- immunofluorescence29
- imprescriptibility31
- indescribabilities25
- ineffervescibility34
- noncondescendingly28
- nondescriptiveness26
- photoluminescently30
- pseudofluorescence28
- semiphosphorescent32
- sulphureovirescent28
- thermoluminescence29
17 Letter:
- chemiluminescence30
- condescendingness24
- condescensiveness25
- descendentalistic23
- immunofluorescent26
- indescribableness24
- noneffervescently31
- nonincandescently25
- overdescriptively31
- photoluminescence28
- photoluminescents26
- postconvalescents26
- quadricrescentoid32
- radioluminescence24
- semperjuvenescent33
- superexcrescently33
- thermoluminescent26
- tribofluorescence26
- triboluminescence25
- uncondescendingly27
- undescribableness24
- undescriptiveness25
16 Letter:
- autofluorescence23
- autoluminescence22
- chemiluminescent27
- cuprodescloizite32
- eschatologically27
- imputrescibility27
- indescribability26
- nonacquiescently32
- noncondescending23
- noncondescension21
- nondeliquescence30
- nondescriptively27
- nonincandescence23
- phosphorescently31
- photoluminescent25
- postconvalescent25
- prescriptibility27
- prescriptiveness25
- quadricrescentic32
- radioluminescent21
- spectrotelescope24
- superexcrescence31
- teschermacherite28
- tribofluorescent23
- triboluminescent22
- triplocaulescent22
- uneffervescently30
- unvitrescibility26
15 Letter:
- autoluminescent19
- bioluminescence23
- circumcrescence27
- condescendingly25
- condescensively26
- descendentalism21
- descendentalist19
- descriptionless20
- descriptiveness23
- diplocaulescent22
- escalloniaceous19
- fluorescigenous21
- haplocaulescent24
- imprescriptible25
- imprescriptibly28
- ineffervescence28
- ineffervescible28
- inescapableness21
- locodescriptive25
- luteofuscescent22
- nonacquiescence30
- noncandescently23
- nondeliquescent27
- noneffervescent26
- nonevanescently23
- nonfluorescence22
- nonincandescent20
- noniridescently21
- nonluminescence21
- nonprescription21
14 Letter:
- aeschynomenous24
- antiputrescent18
- bioluminescent20
- churrigueresco22
- circumcrescent24
- concaulescence22
- condescendence22
- condescensions19
- convalescently24
- convergescence24
- degenerescence20
- descendability23
- descendibility23
- describability24
- descriptionist19
- effervescently28
- effervescingly29
- escalloniaceae18
- eschatological22
- exacerbescence29
- fermentescible23
- fluorescigenic22
- imprescribable24
- incandescently22
- ineffervescent25
- intercrescence20
- luteorufescent19
- luteovirescent19
- misdescription21
- misdescriptive24
13 Letter:
- acaudelescent18
- acquiescement28
- acquiescently29
- acquiescingly30
- adularescence18
- aeschynanthus24
- arborescently20
- concrescences21
- condescendent19
- condescending20
- condescension18
- condescensive21
- consenescence19
- consenescency22
- contabescence21
- convalescence22
- convalescency25
- convalescents20
- crescentiform22
- crescographic25
- decrudescence21
- deescalations16
- defervescence24
- deflorescence21
- degenerescent17
- deliquescence27
- descensionist16
- descriptively24
- descriptivism23
- effervescence26
12 Letter:
- acaulescence18
- acquiescence27
- acquiescency30
- adherescence20
- adolescently18
- adularescent15
- aeschynomene22
- aesculaceous16
- alkalescence20
- alkalescency23
- aphengescope22
- arborescence18
- bescribbling21
- bicrescentic20
- calorescence18
- candescently20
- codescendant18
- concrescence20
- concrescible20
- condescended19
- condescender18
- contabescent18
- convalescent19
- convalescing20
- crescendoing18
- crescentader17
- crescentlike20
- crescentwise19
- decalescence19
- decrescendos18
11 Letter:
- acaulescent15
- accrescence19
- accrescendi18
- accrescendo18
- acquiescent24
- acquiescing25
- adherescent17
- adolescence16
- adolescency19
- adolescents14
- aesculaceae15
- aesculapian15
- aesculapius15
- alkalescent17
- arborescent15
- bescorching21
- bescoundrel16
- bescreening16
- bescribbled20
- bescutcheon20
- calorescent15
- candescence18
- cerulescent15
- coalescence17
- coalescency20
- concrescent17
- concrescive20
- condescends17
- convalesced19
- convalesces18
10 Letter:
- accrescent16
- acquiesced24
- acquiescer23
- acquiesces23
- adipescent15
- adolescent13
- adolescing14
- aeschylean18
- aeschynite18
- aesculetin12
- albescence16
- antescript14
- ascescency19
- bescorched20
- bescorches19
- bescouring15
- bescramble18
- bescreened15
- bescribble18
- bullescene14
- calescence16
- candescent15
- canescence16
- caulescent14
- coalescent14
- coalescing15
- condescend16
- condescent15
- convalesce17
- crescendos15
9 Letter:
- acescence15
- acescency18
- acescents13
- acquiesce22
- adnescent12
- adolesced13
- aeschylus17
- albescent13
- ascescent13
- bescatter13
- bescoured14
- bescourge14
- bescratch18
- bescreens13
- calescent13
- canescene13
- canescent13
- coalesced14
- coalesces13
- concresce15
- crescence15
- crescendi14
- crescendo14
- crescents13
- descaling13
- descanted13
- descanter12
- descartes12
- descended14
- descender13
8 Letter:
- accresce14
- acescent12
- adolesce11
- aesculin10
- aesculus10
- alfresco13
- aurrescu10
- bescorch17
- bescours12
- bescrape14
- bescrawl15
- bescreen12
- bescurvy18
- brescian12
- coalesce12
- compesce16
- crescent12
- crescive15
- crotesco12
- descaled12
- descants11
- descends12
- descents11
- deschool14
- descrial11
- describe13
- descried12
- descrier11
- descries11
- descript13
7 Letter:
- adwesch16
- afresca12
- auresca9
- bescarf14
- bescent11
- bescorn11
- bescour11
- bescurf14
- decresc12
- descale10
- descant10
- descend11
- descent10
- descort10
- descure10
- escalan9
- escalin9
- escalop11
- escaped12
- escapee11
- escaper11
- escapes11
- escarps11
- eschara12
- eschars12
- escheat12
- eschele12
- escheve15
- eschews15
- escolar9
6 Letter:
- bescab12
- descry12
- escape10
- escarp10
- escars8
- eschar11
- eschel11
- eschew14
- escoba10
- escort8
- escots8
- escout8
- escrod9
- escrol8
- escrow11
- escudo9
- fescue11
- fresco11
- lesche11
- mescal10
- pescod11
- rescan8
- rescue8
- unesco8
5 Letter:
- cresc9
- escar7
- escot7
- escry10
4 Letter:
- aesc6
- desc7
- esca6
3 Letter:
- esc5
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