23 Letter:
- pancreaticoduodenostomy36
22 Letter:
- pancreaticogastrostomy34
21 Letter:
- duodenopancreatectomy34
- pancreatoduodenectomy34
20 Letter:
- pancreatoenterostomy29
19 Letter:
- excrementitiousness30
- pancreaticoduodenal27
- ultracrepidarianism26
18 Letter:
- creatinephosphoric32
- gastropancreatitis23
- pancreaticosplenic28
- supersecretiveness25
- undersecretaryship29
17 Letter:
- depancreatization31
- discreditableness23
- excrementitiously31
- noncreditableness22
- overcredulousness23
- pancreatectomized35
- pancreatemphraxis35
- quadricrescentoid32
- superexcrescently33
16 Letter:
- anticreativeness21
- discreditability25
- gastropancreatic23
- noncredulousness19
- nondiscretionary22
- overdiscreetness22
- pancreatectomize33
- pancreathelcosis25
- pancreatorrhagia24
- peripancreatitis22
- prediscretionary24
- quadricrescentic32
- splenopancreatic24
- subsecretaryship28
- superexcrescence31
- supersecretively26
- ultracrepidarian21
- uncreditableness21
- undersecretariat19
- undersecretaries19
- xanthocreatinine28
15 Letter:
- amphicreatinine24
- anacreontically22
- anticreationism19
- anticreationist17
- anticrepuscular21
- autodecremented21
- autoincremented20
- circumcrescence27
- creditabilities20
- crestfallenness20
- discretionarily21
- excitosecretory29
- excrementitious26
- hypercreaturely28
- increasableness19
- incredibilities20
- increditability23
- incredulousness18
- indiscretionary21
- lienopancreatic21
- macrencephalous26
- micrencephalous26
- noncreativeness20
- noncredibleness20
- nonsecretionary20
- overcredulously24
- pancreatization28
- pancreatogenous20
- pancreatolipase21
- pancreatotomies21
14 Letter:
- accreditations19
- accrementitial20
- accrementition20
- anticreational16
- anticreatively22
- anticreativity22
- anticrepuscule20
- autodecrements19
- autoincrements18
- circumcrescent24
- concretization27
- creatureliness16
- credenciveness22
- credensiveness20
- creditableness19
- crematoririums20
- dentatocrenate17
- discrepancries21
- discretionally20
- discretiveness20
- excrementitial25
- ferroconcretor21
- hepatopancreas23
- hypersecretion24
- hippocrepiform30
- incredibleness19
- incrementalism20
- incrementalist18
- incrementation18
- indiscreetness17
13 Letter:
- accreditation18
- alacreatinine15
- autocremation17
- autodecrement18
- autoincrement17
- cocreatorship22
- concrescences21
- concretionary20
- counterdecree18
- creatininemia17
- creationistic17
- creatophagous21
- crebricostate19
- crebrisulcate19
- credentialism18
- credibilities18
- creditability21
- credulousness16
- creedlessness16
- crescentiform22
- crescographic25
- crestfallenly21
- cretification20
- cretinization24
- decrementless18
- decrepitating19
- decrepitation18
- depancreatize27
- discreditable19
- discreditably22
12 Letter:
- accreditable19
- accreditment19
- accretionary19
- alacreatinin14
- anticreation14
- anticreative17
- anticreeping17
- bicrescentic20
- chlorocresol19
- chrystocrene22
- concremation18
- concrescence20
- concrescible20
- concreteness16
- concretional16
- concretively22
- concretizing26
- corkscrewing24
- creativeness17
- creatotoxism23
- creaturehood18
- creatureless14
- creatureling15
- creatureship19
- credentialed16
- credibleness17
- creditorship20
- cremasterial16
- cremationism18
- cremationist16
11 Letter:
- accreditate16
- accrediting17
- accrescence19
- accrescendi18
- accrescendo18
- alacreatine13
- anacreontic15
- anticreator13
- anticreeper15
- bescreening16
- bromocresol17
- concrescent17
- concrescive20
- concretions15
- concretized25
- corkscrewed23
- creameryman20
- creamerymen20
- creammaking22
- creamometer17
- createdness14
- creatinuria13
- creationary16
- creationism15
- creationist13
- creatorhood17
- creatorrhea16
- creatorship18
- credentials14
- credibility19
10 Letter:
- accredited16
- accreditee15
- accrescent16
- accretions14
- aircrewman17
- aircrewmen17
- asecretory15
- bescreened15
- bromcresol16
- cocreating15
- cocreditor15
- concrement16
- concretely17
- concreting15
- concretion14
- concretism16
- concretist14
- concretive17
- concretize23
- corkscrewy24
- corkscrews21
- creakiness16
- creakingly20
- creameries14
- creamfruit17
- creaminess14
- creammaker20
- creaseless12
- creatinine12
- creational12
9 Letter:
- accredits14
- accreting14
- accretion13
- accretive16
- acrestaff17
- airscrews14
- almocrebe15
- ancresses11
- anticreep13
- apocrenic15
- bescreens13
- bicrenate13
- blackacre19
- broadacre14
- cocreated14
- cocreates13
- cocreator13
- concreate13
- concredit14
- concresce15
- concreted14
- concreter13
- concretes13
- concretor13
- corkscrew20
- creakiest15
- creambush18
- creamcake19
- creamcups17
- creamiest13
8 Letter:
- accrease12
- accredit13
- accresce14
- accretal12
- accreted13
- accretes12
- acreable12
- acreages11
- acredula11
- aircrews13
- airscrew13
- allecret10
- anacreon10
- bedscrew16
- bescreen12
- calcrete12
- chancres15
- cocreate12
- codecree13
- concrete12
- consacre12
- creakier14
- creakily17
- creaking15
- creamcup16
- creamery15
- creamers12
- creamier12
- creamily15
- creaming13
7 Letter:
- accrete11
- acreage10
- acreman11
- acremen11
- aircrew12
- ancress9
- becreep13
- chancre14
- conacre11
- concrew14
- creachy17
- creaght13
- creaked14
- creaker13
- creamed12
- creamer11
- creance11
- creased10
- creaser9
- creases9
- creasol9
- creasot9
- created10
- creates9
- creatic11
- creatin9
- creator9
- creches14
- credens10
- credent10
6 Letter:
- acreak12
- acream10
- creach13
- creagh12
- creaky15
- creaks12
- creamy13
- creams10
- creant8
- crease8
- creasy11
- create8
- creaze17
- creche13
- credal9
- credit9
- credos9
- creeds9
- creeky15
- creeks12
- creels8
- creepy13
- creeps10
- creese8
- creesh11
- cremes10
- cremor10
- crenae8
- crenel8
- crenic10
5 Letter:
- acred8
- acres7
- ancre7
- cread8
- creak11
- cream9
- creat7
- creda8
- credo8
- creed8
- creek11
- creel7
- creem9
- creen7
- creep9
- crees7
- creme9
- crena7
- crepe9
- crepy12
- crept9
- cresc9
- cress7
- crest7
- creta7
- crete7
- crewe10
- crews10
- eucre7
- lucre7
4 Letter:
- acre6
- crea6
- cree6
- cres6
- crew9
- crex13
3 Letter:
- cre5
A total of 1528 words fetched from the dictionary that match what you were looking for Words with CRE. The word with the highest Scrabble score is worth 36 points.
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