Find 122+ Dream Related Words Complete list of synonyms, antonyms, and related terms to enhance your vocabulary.
Related meanings for Dream
- woolgather
- daydream
- aspiration
- ambition
- pipe dream
- stargaze
- dreamy
- dreamt
- reverie
- fantasy
- magical
- fantasize
- imaginary
- magic
- imagine
- vision
- imagination
- figment
- charmed
- utopia
- contemplate
- delusion
- ideal
- muse
- illusion
- vis
- desire
- wanted
- romantic
- yearning
- want
- wish
- hope
- mong
- nightmare
- story
- kidding
- visit
- slumber
- sleep
- sleeping
- image
- christ
- dying
- prince
- glove
- drumming
- meng
- sna
- chimera
- uns
- sen
- bug
- fantasies
- illusions
- nightmares
- reve
- traum
- dreamer
- dreamland
- reality
- daydreams
- dreamlife
- dreamscape
- drem
- visions
- dreamlands
- dreamworld
- dreamers
- realization
- aspirations
- paradise
- pipedream
- fairytale
- dreames
- dreamwork
- dreama
- ambitions
- waking
- fantasized
- envisioning
- hallucination
- envision
- daydreaming
- destiny
- fantasied
- utopian
- true
- dreame
- realisation
- dreamhouse
- unattainable
- hopes
- unrealisable
- life
- imagined
- idea
- dreamtime
- realizing
- ultimate
Synonyms for Dream
- daydream
- aspiration
- ambition
- stargaze
- pipe dream
- dreaming
- woolgather
Trigger words for Dream
- dreamer
- dreaming
- nightmare
- dreams
- chronicles
- theater
- reality
- sequence
- true
- sleep
- realized
- interpretation
- girl
- come
- pop