5 Letter:
- knack15
- knape11
- knaps11
- knark13
- knarl9
- knars9
- knave12
- knead10
- kneed10
- kneel9
- knees9
- knell9
- knelt9
- knezi18
- kniaz18
- knyaz21
- knick15
- knife12
- knish12
- knits9
- knive12
- knobs11
- knock15
- knoit9
- knoll9
- knops11
- knorr9
- knosp11
- knots9
- knout9
A total of 37 words fetched from the dictionary that match what you were looking for 5 Letter Words starting with KN. The word with the highest Scrabble score is worth 21 points.
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