18 Letter:
- overscrupulousness25
17 Letter:
- hyperscrupulosity32
- underscrupulously25
16 Letter:
- crustaceological23
- excruciatingness28
- overscrupulosity26
- overscrupulously26
- unscrupulousness20
- unscrutinisingly22
- unscrutinizingly31
15 Letter:
- cicrumspections25
- counterscrutiny22
- crustaceologist20
- crustaceorubrin21
- hyperscrupulous27
- inscrutableness19
- interambulacrum23
- noncrushability25
- pseudambulacrum26
- scrumptiousness21
- scruplesomeness21
- semicrustaceous21
- underscrupulous20
14 Letter:
- anacrustically21
- antirecruiting17
- crustification21
- excruciatingly29
- imperscrutable22
- inscrutability21
- noncruciformly26
- noncrustaceous18
- overscrupulous21
- procrusteanism20
- procrusteanize27
- rescrutinizing26
- rosicrucianism20
- scrupulosities18
- scrupulousness18
- scrutinisation16
- scrutinization25
- scrutinizingly29
- subcrustaceous20
- unexcruciating26
- unscrupulosity21
- unscrupulously21
- unscrutinising17
- unscrutinizing26
13 Letter:
- brachiocrural22
- chlorocruorin20
- cruiserweight22
- crumblingness20
- crunchingness21
- cruroinguinal16
- crushableness20
- crustaceology21
- crustalogical18
- decrudescence21
- disincrustant16
- disincrustion16
- incrustations15
- inguinocrural16
- nonincrusting16
- nonscrutinies15
- overscrubbing23
- overscrupling21
- perscrutation17
- recrudescence20
- recrudescency23
- reincrudation16
- rescrutinized25
- scrumptiously22
- superaccruing20
- thalamocrural20
- unrecruitable17
- unscrutinised16
- unscrutinized25
12 Letter:
- crucifyfying29
- crucifixions26
- cruciformity24
- cruelhearted18
- crurogenital15
- crushability22
- crustalogist15
- decrustation15
- deincrustant15
- ecrustaceous16
- encrustation14
- excruciating24
- excruciation23
- genitocrural15
- incrustating15
- incrustation14
- inscrutables16
- noncrucially19
- noncruciform21
- noncrusading16
- noncrushable19
- overscrubbed22
- overscrupled20
- perscrutator16
- postcruciate18
- recrudescent17
- recrudescing18
- rescrutinies14
- rescrutinize23
- scrupulosity19
11 Letter:
- corncrusher18
- crucethouse18
- crucialness15
- crucianella15
- cruciferous18
- crucificial20
- crucifyfied25
- crucifixion25
- cruciformly23
- crucigerous16
- cruentation13
- crumblement19
- crumbliness17
- crunchiness18
- crunchingly22
- crurotarsal13
- crustaceans15
- crustaceous15
- discruciate16
- encrustment15
- excruciable24
- excruciated23
- excruciator22
- incruentous13
- incrustated14
- incrustator13
- incrustment15
- inscrutable15
- inscrutably18
- intercrural13
10 Letter:
- accruement16
- ambulacrum18
- anacrustic14
- apocrustic16
- becrusting15
- cruciality17
- cruciately17
- cruciating15
- cruciation14
- crucibulum18
- cruciferae17
- crucifying21
- crucifixes24
- cruisingly16
- crumbcloth21
- crumbliest16
- crumblings17
- crumminess16
- crunchable19
- crunchiest17
- crunchweed21
- cruppering17
- crushingly19
- crushproof20
- crustaceal14
- crustacean14
- crustalogy16
- crustation12
- crustiness12
- crutchlike21
9 Letter:
- accruable15
- anacruses11
- anacrusis11
- becrusted14
- cocrucify21
- comecrudo16
- crucially16
- cruciated14
- crucibles15
- crucifers16
- crucified17
- crucifier16
- crucifies16
- crucifige17
- cruciform18
- crudelity15
- crudeness12
- crudities12
- cruellest11
- cruelness11
- cruelties11
- cruentate11
- cruentous11
- cruiseway17
- cruiskeen15
- crumbable17
- crumbiest15
- crumblier15
- crumbling16
- crummable17
8 Letter:
- accruals12
- accruing13
- becrusts12
- bicrural12
- cancrums14
- crucians12
- cruciate12
- crucible14
- crucifer15
- crucifix22
- crucilly15
- crudding13
- crudites11
- crudwort14
- cruelest10
- cruelize19
- crueller10
- cruisers10
- cruising11
- cruisken14
- crullers10
- crumbers14
- crumbier14
- crumbing15
- crumbled15
- crumbles14
- crumblet14
- crumenal12
- crumhorn15
- crummier14
7 Letter:
- accrual11
- accrued12
- accruer11
- accrues11
- becrush14
- becrust11
- cancrum13
- crubeen11
- crucial11
- crucian11
- crucify17
- crucily14
- crudded12
- cruddle11
- crudely13
- crudest10
- crudity13
- crueler9
- cruelly12
- cruelty12
- cruised10
- cruiser9
- cruises9
- cruller9
- crumbed14
- crumber13
- crumble13
- crumbly16
- crumbum15
- crumena11
6 Letter:
- accrue10
- cruces10
- cruche13
- crucis10
- cruddy13
- cruder9
- crudes9
- crudle9
- cruels8
- cruent8
- cruety11
- cruets8
- cruise8
- cruive11
- crumby15
- crumbs12
- crumen10
- crummy15
- crumpy15
- crumps12
- crunch13
- cruors8
- crural8
- crusca10
- cruses8
- cruset8
- crusie8
- crusta8
- crusty11
- crusts8
5 Letter:
- acrux14
- cruce9
- cruck13
- crude8
- crudy11
- cruds8
- cruel7
- cruet7
- crull7
- crumb11
- crump11
- crunk11
- crunt7
- cruor7
- crura7
- cruse7
- crush10
- crust7
- cruth10
- ecrus7
- scrub9
- scruf10
- scrum9
4 Letter:
- crub8
- crud7
- crum8
- crup8
- crus6
- crut6
- crux13
- ecru6
3 Letter:
- cru5
A total of 629 words fetched from the dictionary that match what you were looking for Words with CRU. The word with the highest Scrabble score is worth 32 points.
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