5 Letter:
- apace9
- apaid8
- apair7
- apama9
- apart7
- apass7
- apast7
- apeak11
- apeek11
- apery10
- apers7
- apert7
- aperu7
- aphid11
- aphis10
- aphra10
- apian7
- apiin7
- apili7
- apina7
- aping8
- apiol7
- apios7
- apish10
- apism9
- apium9
- apnea7
- apoda8
- apods8
- apoop9
A total of 52 words fetched from the dictionary that match what you were looking for 5 Letter Words starting with AP. The word with the highest Scrabble score is worth 12 points.
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