5 Letter:
- acrux14
- addax14
- adfix16
- admix15
- admrx15
- adnex13
- affix18
- alpax14
- ampyx19
- annex12
- beaux14
- bemix16
- beryx17
- borax14
- bronx14
- calix14
- calyx17
- capax16
- carex14
- choux17
- cylix17
- cimex16
- codex15
- comox16
- culex14
- defix16
- desex13
- detax13
- devex16
- dewax16
A total of 116 words fetched from the dictionary that match what you were looking for 5 Letter Words ending with X. The word with the highest Scrabble score is worth 24 points.
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